Monday, October 10, 2005

Marketing flu fear, Media gone mad

The media are responsible for creating the hysteria about bird flu driving fear into the very hearts of family life.

First we had Killer Bees from Africa, then SARS, Bird Flu, now we have Dog Flu crossing the species barrier from Horse Flu in the USA.

Give us a break, this is all about money and marketing. Cause there is no money in good news.

Under the guise of public interest the media have taken the H5N1 virus or avian Influenza virus and marketed this under the name of bird flu. Nothing strikes fear more rapidly than the image of the things you see every day having the potential to kill.

Similar to the fear of terrorism affecting travellers, the enhanced marketing of news stories affects all.

Reviewing the current virus scares.
H5N1 avian influenza, Bird Flu.
H3N8 equine influenza canine influenza, Dog Flu or Horse Flu.

Whilst not as news worthy, guidance to individuals on what to do, instead of telling us how we are all doomed would more of a public service.

Surely the media so hell bent on ratings and profit can pause for a day or two to help citizens to prepare.